Travel Tips

  1. Choose Your Travel Destination
  2. Find the best prices
  3. Get Informed!
  4. Plan your trip
  5. What to bring?

Choose Your Travel Destination


The first step is to decide where you want to go. There are multiple ways to do it. One way is to look at the Ranking of Countries page on this website, it will show you my classification of coutries and also show some characteristics of the countries that can help with your choice. Another way to decide which travel destination you want to explore is by doing some researches online. My final suggestion, if you do not have any idea where to go, take a map and choose a country without looking.

Find the best prices


Travelling can be expensive, so people need a good strategy to find affordable plan tickets, hotels, and others. My advice would be to check on multiple websites that sell what you are looking for and compare prices. You will also need to do daily follow ups as prices can change and when you find an opportunity that you consider a good deal, you can reserve it. When looking for hotels, some have a free annulation if you cancel a certain time before your vacantion date. If you are reserving for a hotel with this option than do not stop looking for hotels after that, if you find another one that like better than make a reservation and cancel the other one. It is also important to not wait until the last minute to start looking for reservations because prices can be higher.

Get informed!

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It is really important to look up information about a country. You need to look up for health reasons because for some countries, vaccinations are needed, you also need to look what documents are necessary, when natural disasters happen, and inform yourself about safety measures. You can find all that information by click on the link Government of Canada Travel Advices. It is the Government of Canada website which has content about the concerns I mentionned before. In addition, it is good to search online about the culture of the people living in the country in order to know what to do in certain situations and to understand better the locals.

Plan your trip


After having choosen a country, looked for prices and informed yourself, you will need to plan your trip. Look for interesting activities or cultural monuments, in other words, what do you want to do during your trip, like is it a trip to go to the beach or to explore the new culture. Make yourself a sechdule in order to have enough time to do everything you want. A schedule will let you relax on your vacation without worrying everytime about what to do next. It will also help you see for what activity you will need to make a reservation in advance, so you will have a reserved seat and not find out when you arrive there that no places are left. A good organization and plan are needed to enjoy fully the your travel destination.

What to bring?


It is difficult to say exactly what to bring on your trip as each country is different. However, there are some items that are needed in almost all the trips. Not suprising, you will need to pack some clothes and shoes (look up the weather for the time period you are going and have some clothes in cases of rain of snow depending of the country and time of the year). Your phone would also be of great use and your charger (for some countries, you will need an power adapter to be able to use it). You can take pictures with your cellphone but if you need something better you could also bring your camera. Do not forget to bring your passeport, an identification card and all reserves/tickets. A good idea is also to bring your tooth brush and paste. In addition, it is useful to have some bandaids and things like this.