Hello everyone, this website consist of a travel blog. I am Ginka Kokilkova, I am 19 years old and I love to travel which is why I am making this site for a project at school. Here you explore along with me different travel destinations I have been through. You can explore the different countries through pictures and through their description. If you are interest to travel to one of the countries I have presentated, you can make your choice according to my ranking of those countries. If you are new to the travel world, you can also explore the Travel Tips section which will give you some guidelines of what needs to be done.
Some of the travel destinations posted on this travel blog are from when I was still a child, while some are more recent. With this blog, I am trying to make people experience the same love for exploring new countries as I have. So, readers can immerse themselves in multiple cultures and different landscapes. Feel free to dive into those different cultures and learn something from it.